I'm Dr. Mary Bell, and I'm your instructor for this course. I will conduct course communication via this blog. Please check daily! mebell@email.arizona.edu

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Blog Post 28: Seek feedback about your paper

Blog Post 28 - (By Friday) - 
  1. Post a link to the Google Document that contains your paper. Make sure to set the permission so that others at the UA with the link can comment.  
  2. Give helpful criticism on two classmates' Google documents (NOT classmates in your editing/feedback group). Post a link to those papers. 
  3. Seek feedback from some outside source you have not yet consulted: a roommate, a friend, a parent, or go to a walk-in session at Think Tank.
  4. Write about who you consulted, what feedback you got, and how you intend to implement the feedback in your paper. 
  5. Consider focusing the feedback you get by asking one of these questions: 
    • What's the one most important thing I could do to improve this paper?
    • How can I structure my argument more effectively?
    • Can you think of any points I'm missing in my argument?
    • Which paragraph needs the most work, and how can I improve it? 
    • What is one thing I could do to improve my prose? (clarity, conciseness, grammar)

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