I'm Dr. Mary Bell, and I'm your instructor for this course. I will conduct course communication via this blog. Please check daily! mebell@email.arizona.edu

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Blog Post Grading Rubric; gradebook on d2l

The gradebook is now up on d2l and I will be catching up on posting grades this week. As we discussed in class, here is the grading rubric for your blog posts. I will be giving you a weekly grade on your blog posts that is an average of your posts for the week.

Observations on this rubric:
  1. Notice that fulfilling the basic requirements of the blog post earns you 3 points. In order to get up to 5, you need to put some thought and effort into the posts and comments, and pay attention to grammar and spelling. 
  2. I don't expect every post to be at a level five, but if you are capable of excellent writing and brilliant flashes of insight, let me see it on occasion: otherwise, when you turn in your brilliant paper, I may not believe you wrote it! ;)
  3. Seriously, you get out of the blog posts what you put into them. And if your vocabulary/writing voice/style/prowess on a major assignment is quite different from the potential you show on your blog, I may question whether you wrote it. The blog posts are thus for your own protection so to speak, as well as my information. Obviously you will put more time and care into the larger assignments, but let me see your best thinking/writing now and then on your blog as well. 

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