I'm Dr. Mary Bell, and I'm your instructor for this course. I will conduct course communication via this blog. Please check daily! mebell@email.arizona.edu

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

For Friday (and Blog Post 38): Reflective essay organizing idea and thesis

The Student's Guide chapter 12 suggested five organizing ideas/themes for your reflective essay (p. 247-48):
    1. Focus on a specific assignment, experience, or concept 
    2. Compare your experience writing in this course to past experiences
    3. Reflect on strengths and weaknesses 
    4. Focus on course objectives
    5. Focus on your writing process/self-perception as a writer
Blog Post 38: Write a sample thesis statement for each theme.  If you would like to use a different organizing idea from one of the above, describe it and write a thesis for it in addition to the ones above.

Then pick the one you are most interested in using for your reflective essay, and explain why you think it would be the most effective, interesting way to organize your essay (think about SOAPSTone).

Give detailed suggestions and feedback on two other classmate's blog posts. Link to their posts in your post.

==> FOR FRIDAY: Bring your chosen organizing idea and thesis, with the SOAPSTone, printed out, to class!!

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