I'm Dr. Mary Bell, and I'm your instructor for this course. I will conduct course communication via this blog. Please check daily! mebell@email.arizona.edu

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Change for blog grading policy

You may have noticed that the blogs are not graded on d2l. I have been reconsidering the way I assess the blogs, and I have decided that each blog will be graded on a pass/fail/bonus basis. 

  • Each blog post (there will be 40 in all) will be worth 2.5 points (100 total, or 10% of your grade). 
  • If you did the blog post, you earn 2.5 points for it. 
  • If you did not write the blog post, you get 0 points for that post. 
  • You can earn bonus points for exceptional blog posts: for each exceptional post, you can earn extra bonus point (1) for that post, up to 25 bonus points. 

You may, if you have time and inclination, go back and write your missing blog posts, up until the last day of class (Wed. Dec. 9). Any posts revised or added after the last day of class do not count toward your grade.  Blog Post prompts. 

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