I'm Dr. Mary Bell, and I'm your instructor for this course. I will conduct course communication via this blog. Please check daily! mebell@email.arizona.edu

Friday, September 25, 2015

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Annotated bibliography

Annotated Bibliography updates: if you have added sources or revised your annotations, please post the revised version of your annotated bibliography to your blog. I will be checking them against the QRG that you submit to the d2l dropbox. If you quote, cite, or link it in the QRG, it should be in the annotated bibliography!

Office location!

My office location is in the building called Computer Center on the campus map: the SW corner of Speedway/Highland by the Highland underpass. Enter the building by the East doors or the south loading dock door and follow the signs.

QRG checklist/rubric

Here is a checklist for you to evaluate your QRG (the same checklist I will be using).  

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENTS!! Class Canceled Friday; QRG deadline extended

==>Extended Deadline: Your QRG is now due in the d2l dropbox by Sunday evening at 11:59 PM.

==>Class is canceled Friday morning, and I will have conference slots available instead. 

==>Conference slots are available on Thursday between 9-4, and Friday morning between 8-11:30. To sign up for a conference slot, go to this google document

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Problems in drafts: analyze the rhetoric of the controversy, don't just summarize it.

Many of the drafts I'm seeing do not analyze the rhetoric of the debate, but are only summarizing the debate. You should not only be explaining what is being debated, but also how and why. Omitting this analysis will significantly reduce your grade.

==>>Please review the assignment sheet and this post about what a QRG is and is not

I'm also seeing lots of issues with wordiness, passive voice, and nominalization. We will spend more time on this on Wednesday!!

Also, remember the QRG is an internet genre. Pay attention to layout, fonts, graphics, and make sure to add hyperlinks!

Monday, September 21, 2015

Blog Post 17: Revised paragraph

In Monday's class, we worked on three skills:
  1. writing in the active voice 
  2. avoiding nominalization 
  3. writing coherent paragraphs in which the subject of the sentences matches the topic of the paragraph
Post a sample paragraph from your QRG, before and after revising according to the rules listed above. Explain your changes, and why the revised paragraph is an improvement in clarity and coherence.

Other online resources:

Blog Post 16: link to revised QRG

In your blog, post the link to your latest version of your QRG, making sure you have set permissions so that anyone with the link may comment. I will do my best to comment on your drafts by Friday, but the sooner you post the link to your updated draft, the better. 

Week 5 overview

Welcome to Week Five! 
Source: https://flic.kr/p/7vEVv7
This week, you are fitting all the pieces of your writing together for the big picture: your Quick Reference Guide. Last week, you revised your writing on the global level for organization and flow of ideas. This week, you will focus on the details of writing at the paragraph and sentence level. 

==>Bring a printed copy of your latest revision of your QRG to each class this week!

Assigned reading: SG Section 4.2; RFW pp. 112-178
In class: We will work on paragraph and sentence-level revision.
Blogs: You will post a link to your latest draft for my comments, and write blog posts reflecting on the revision process.

==>Your QRG is due by Saturday midnight in the d2l Dropbox!