I'm Dr. Mary Bell, and I'm your instructor for this course. I will conduct course communication via this blog. Please check daily! mebell@email.arizona.edu

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Blog Post 34: Thesis statement for rhetorical analysis

Blog Post 34: thesis statement for rhetorical analysis

Post your thesis statement for your rhetorical analysis of your third project. Argue that “I have used the best available means of persuasion for this rhetorical situation.” Examples we came up with in class:
  • “I argue that the most effective way for me to reach  the UA student body was through the student paper the Daily Wildcat;  I used primarily an emotional appeal with personal quotation and experiences to refute those who are ignorant towards the severe life-threatening mental illness, depression.” 

  • “Because my paper would be published in a science magazine, I used formal diction, concise sources, pictures, statistics and graphs, to maximize my efficiency in conveying my message about forest management to ecologists and politicians.”  

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Grades posted on d2l for essay #2

I have posted your grade for paper #2, with comments in the grademark area, and also the attached rubric.  

Please remember that you have the opportunity to rewrite one of the first 2 papers for a better grade, to turn in with your final portfolio. I will also be offering another extra credit opportunity shortly. 

Grade distribution paper #2:

5 As
7 Bs
5 Cs

Your rhetorical analysis of project #3

Please recall that, in addition to your public argument, you are also writing a rhetorical analysis of your argument.

You will write a 5-6 page essay in MLA format [150 pts] about your public speech act. You are persuading me that you have employed the “best available means of persuasion in your chosen rhetorical situation.” Shoot for 5-6 pages including a works cited page.  You will probably be writing in the first person:  Explain in detail your rhetorical choices and how you decided on them:

    1. the background context of the project (including the background information you researched for the project proposal)
    2. your ethos/authority as the speaker
    3. who your specific audience is, and why you chose them (include the research you did about your audience)
    4. the type of argument you are making, and why this is the most effective type for your audience and purpose
    5. the main appeals you are using, and why these are most effective for your audience
    6. specific purpose: what do you want your audience to believe and/or do as a result of your argument?
    7. use specific examples from your public argument as illustrations for your points (yes, you are quoting yourself!). Your public argument will be one of the entries on your works cited page, and you will need to cite and quote your project just like you would any other source.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

For Friday: Project Presentations Continued; workshop

PRESENTATIONS: We can take time from Friday's class to do the last three presentations, or you can sign up for a conference slot, or both.

On Friday, we are scheduled also to workshop your rhetorical analysis of your public argument (recall the project has two parts!!)  If you don't have a complete draft, you can take the time to work on the draft.

Next week:

  • Monday: Workshop the rhetorical analysis - you must bring a complete draft to class!
  • Wednesday: in-class activity
  • DEADLINE: Wednesday at 11:59PM in the dropbox. 
  • Happy Thanksgiving!!!