I'm Dr. Mary Bell, and I'm your instructor for this course. I will conduct course communication via this blog. Please check daily! mebell@email.arizona.edu

Monday, October 12, 2015

Week Eight Overview (Blogs 25-28)

(U.S. National Archives and Records Administration)
[Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons
Welcome to Week Eight! We move full-speed this week into drafting your rhetorical analysis essay! 

In-class work will focus on elements of rhetorical analysis. By a show of hands in class today you indicated that no one is choosing to write about Girl Culture or on a self-chosen topic, so the examples in class will be regarding HONY or #LikeAGirl.

Outside of class, you should be engaging in at least one of the pre-writing activities you found helpful in the last project (free-writing, idea map, outline). Also, you should have written a SOAPSTone, and an observation/inference chart for your text. 

==>Timeline: By the end of the week you should have a thesis statement and an outline to at least 2 levels of detail. By next Monday in class, you should have a complete first draft ready to workshop. 

Monday: Today we began to review chapter 9 of the Student's Guide, "Rhetorical Analysis." 
We reviewed the rhetorical triangle:
  • speaker/author
  • audience (primary and secondary)
  • message/purpose

Wednesday: Discussion of rhetorical strategies/appeals

  • Ethos - appeals to credibility and character
  • Pathos - appeals to emotion
  • Logos - appeals to logic or rational decision-making

Friday: Introductions and rhetorical analysis thesis statement.  

Google Document work: You should have two Google Documents going by the end of the week:

  1. By Wednesday: Your prewriting document. Copy all your prewriting activities about your chosen text (SOAPSTones, observation/inference chart, idea maps, etc) into a single Google Document called lastname_prewriting (substitute your last name). Make sure you've made it open for comments to anyone at the UA who has the link. Link to this document in Blog 26. 
  2. By Friday: Your thesis statement and outline. Write your thesis statement and an exploratory outline at least 2 levels deep in a Google document called lastname_overview(substitute your last name). Make sure you've made it open for comments to anyone at the UA who has the link. Link to this document in Blog 27. 

  • Blog Post 25 (By Wednesday) - Personal Response: 
    • Explain which text you have chosen to analyze, and why. How do you personally react to the text you have chosen? 
    • Comment on two other posts suggestions about how the writer could use this reaction as a lens for writing the introduction or focusing the analysis.
  • Blog Post 26 - (By Wednesday) - Prewriting activities: 
    • write a paragraph describing what pre-writing activities you are using for this paper, and why. 
    • Add a link to the Google Doc lastname_prewriting that shows your pre-writing activity (see description above).
    • Go to this link on at least two other blogs, and give helpful criticism about the pre-writing activity you see there. 
  • Blog Post 27 - (By Friday) - 
    • Post your thesis statement to your blog 
    • Include the link to the Google Document lastname_overview that includes your thesis statement and preliminary outline (see description above)
    • By the Saturday night deadline, give helpful criticism on three classmates' Google documents. 

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