I'm Dr. Mary Bell, and I'm your instructor for this course. I will conduct course communication via this blog. Please check daily! mebell@email.arizona.edu

Sunday, August 23, 2015

First day of class! (Mon 8/24) (Blog 1)

Monday 8/24/15  First day of class!!
We have several tasks to accomplish the first week to set up the course. Some of these must be done on d2l, so we'll put those aside for now. But here are some others I would like you to do in preparation for our Wednesday class:

  1. Read the Course Syllabus & Schedule of Meetings over carefully- there will be a quiz on the syllabus.
  2. Read Section 9.1 of A Student's Guide to First-Year Writing (p.177-184) "Rhetorical Analysis." Pay attention to the main aspects of any rhetorical situation (see illustration on page 178).
  3. Create a Course Blog - all of your work in this course will be posted to your blog, and you must use Google Blogger to create and post your blog (instructions below). Please email me the link to your blog when you have finished setting it up. 
  4. Read “Anatomy of a Blog Post.”  You've now been introduced to your first writing genre for English 109H: blogging. Any genre of writing is going to have its own conventions.  So in order to write effective blog posts, you'll need to observe and practice the conventions of blogging. Carefully read Michael Hyatt's "Anatomy of an Effective Blog Post" to learn about the generally agreed upon standard and norms in formatting a blog post.
  5. Write your first blog post (Blog Post 1): a reflection on today's (MONDAY'S) class activity [NOTE: if you can't get your blog working before Wednesday's class, print out your reflection and bring it to class. Once your blog is up, for your first post rewrite the reflection using the blog conventions described in the links above].
Contrast the three rhetorical situations we discussed in class, and explain how your group was able to differentiate between them. Was the idea of analyzing the rhetorical situation new to you? Analyze the rhetorical situation of a recent attempt from your life when you were seeking to persuade someone. Describe the Audience, Context, and Purpose of your communication, and analyze its effectiveness. 


Create a Course Blog by going to your Google Drive homepage. To access Blogger (Google’s blogging platform) click on the square icon in the upper right corner of the page. A menu of Google platforms will appear:
A screenshot of the Google Drive icon menu, with a red circle drawn around the "More" option.
  • Click on “More” and additional features, including Blogger, will be visible:
A screenshot of the Google Drive icon menu under the "More" tab, with a red circle drawn around the Blogger icon.
Read over the "Blogger Getting Started Guide” to learn how to Create a blog and learn about the basic features of Blogger.

Create a blog for English 109H. You'll be posting all of your coursework to this blog, so it's central to the class.

Feel free to personalize your blog - be creative and tailor the blog’s style to suit your personality. Give it a title that reflects you.

Always remember the audience that your blog is written for. Your creative choices should be appropriate for your potential audience of professional peers, mentors, professors and advisors. And your blog should be easily readable!

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