I'm Dr. Mary Bell, and I'm your instructor for this course. I will conduct course communication via this blog. Please check daily! mebell@email.arizona.edu

Friday, October 23, 2015

Friday! Almost done with paper #2!!!; grading rubric for Monday

We are almost finished with Paper #2: Rhetorical Analysis! I'm looking forward to reading these papers; I anticipate that there will be much improvement since the first paper, and you should be proud of your hard work to improve your writing skills. If you need an extension, remember to request one via email at least 24 hours before the paper is due (Sunday night at 11:59PM in the d2l dropbox). 

Today we edited each other's papers for clarity, applying the rules that each of you studied. We discussed how it went and concluded that it would be better next time to have fewer editing groups and more time with each paper. Duly noted!! :)

For Monday:
Over the weekend, look at the grading rubric for this assignment in Google Docs and suggest improvements. Are there items missing? Could any item be made more clear? What percentage should each section contribute toward the total? We will go over the suggestions as a class Monday and finalize the rubric. 

On Monday, we will also preview the third project: Making a Public Argument. This is going to be fun!!!

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