I'm Dr. Mary Bell, and I'm your instructor for this course. I will conduct course communication via this blog. Please check daily! mebell@email.arizona.edu

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Updated project timeline, and Project Proposal

The timeline has been updated: view here

Your project proposal is due next Monday at 8AM in the d2l Dropbox. It should be approx. 1000-1200 words.  In it, you should describe:
  1. The rhetorical context for your project. This should 
    1. describe the issue, including some facts and references to outside sources
    2. describe the stakeholders in the issue, identifying who has the power to actually do something about the issue
    3. discuss how three other persons/groups are already addressing the issue (Basically, a SOAPSTone for each one (genre, type of argument, purpose, audience, etc. ) 
  2. How what you want to do fits into the ongoing conversation:
    1. the message you want to communicate, including the type of argument
    2. the specific audience you want to influence
    3. the purpose of your message (what effect do you want to have on your audience/ call to action)
    4. the genre/occasion you have chosen (letter, speech, website, etc)
    5. the rhetorical appeals you think will be most effective
  3. How/why you decided on these choices (assessing their possible rhetorical effectiveness in your given circumstances, including your own role as speaker) 
==>Here is a link to an example project proposal.  Feel free to comment, ask questions, make suggestions,

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