I'm Dr. Mary Bell, and I'm your instructor for this course. I will conduct course communication via this blog. Please check daily! mebell@email.arizona.edu

Monday, September 28, 2015

Week Six Overview

Welcome to Unit Two! 

Unit Two explores the rhetoric of visual texts, culminating in your writing a rhetorical analysis of a complex visual text (either a commercial, a photo essay, or film documentary).

Week's Reading:
  • Review Student's Guide 9.1 "Rhetorical Analysis: An Overview."
  • "Visual Analysis" (Student's Guide 123-125; pay close attention to the visual strategies and the craft box on how to analyze a photograph on page 125).
  • Students Guide 9.2 "Approaches to Rhetorical Analysis."
Monday in class, we took some time to reflect upon what we learned through Unit One and writing the QRG. We began Unit Two by discussing an image in class from Lauren Greenfield's photo essay,Girl Culture

For Wednesday: in class we will be analyzing the rhetoric of Girl Culture. I will have a copy of the book in class on Wednesday. Not all of the images in her book are online in one place, so to prepare, view at least three of these sites:
The last link is a guide to a Girl Culture photo exhibit curated by The Center For Creative Photography here at the U of A; it has lots of resources, including some of the interviews with some of the girls.  

First, view the images without reading captions (or watch the YouTube video with the sound off). Write a quick response to these questions: What strikes you about these images? What are these photos about, taken as a collection? Who is the audience? What is the purpose? Then review the images again with the captions on, and also click around the websites to listen to some of the interviews of the girls. Think about how Greenfield utilizes aspects of the genre "photo essay" to craft her message.

Friday in groups, your group will pick one of Greenfield's other projects to analyze rhetorically, and work on a group document together. 

  • Blog Post 18: A reflection on what you learned in unit one 
  • Blog Post 19: A visual analysis of a single photo from Girl Culture.
  • Blog Post 20: A group-written rhetorical analysis of Girl Culture.

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