I'm Dr. Mary Bell, and I'm your instructor for this course. I will conduct course communication via this blog. Please check daily! mebell@email.arizona.edu

Thursday, October 1, 2015

BLOG POST 20: Group rhetorical analysis of Girl Culture

Word Cloud of Brumberg's essay on Girl Culture
On Friday, we will study Blumberg's rhetorical analysis of Girl Culture, and break into groups to outline it. Your group will work together on a group document in Goggle docs, to rewrite the essay according to your outline. Each person will be assigned a section to write. 

(If you missed class, contact someone from your usual editing group and ask to join in the project. Class email addresses are available under the "classlist" tab on our course d2l site).  

1) Read Blumberg's rhetorical analysis of Girl Culture on d2l if you haven't already.
2) Outline it as a group (we will do some of this in class on Friday) - use at least two levels of specificity.
3) Each member of your group should pick one major body section of the outline (not introduction, historical info, or conclusion) and rewrite the section in your own words (do NOT look at Blumberg's essay during this task). Each person in your group should pick a different section.  
  • Make sure to write a clear topic sentence.
  • Use whatever examples from Girl Culture you think are best to make your point. Go into some detail about the photos if that helps. 
  • Remember to cover as much of SOAPSTone as is appropriate for your section.
For blog post 20:
  1. Post a link to your group's outline. 
  2. Post the paragraph(s) you wrote. It is important that each member of the group write his/her own paragraph. You will give and receive feedback in a later step.
  3. Explain (in a separate paragraph) what aspects of SOAPSTone you covered, and why?  
  4. Critique two other posts (not members of your group). Say what they did well, and make suggestions for improvements.
==>The DEADLINE for this blog is extended 24 hours, until 11:59 Sunday night. 

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