I'm Dr. Mary Bell, and I'm your instructor for this course. I will conduct course communication via this blog. Please check daily! mebell@email.arizona.edu

Thursday, October 1, 2015

For FRIDAY:SOAPSTone and Brumberg Essay

For Friday (sorry for the short notice): 
In the introductory essay to Lauren Greenfield's photo essay book Girl Culture, cultural critic Joan Jacobs Brumberg writes an excellent example of a rhetorical analysis. I have uploaded a pdf of this essay to d2l. Please read it before Friday's class: we will discuss it Friday in class. I realize it is short notice, but it will help you prepare to participate in our discussion. 

To help think about Brumberg's rhetorical analysis of Girl Culture, consider this acronym (which you may have encountered in high school): SOAPSTone 

SOAPSTone is an acronym to help you remember the elements of a rhetorical analysis of a speech act (SA).

S - speaker (author/artist/actor/creator)
O - occasion (context or precipitating event)
A - audience (stated or implied recipient(s) of the speech act)
P - purpose (intended effect on the audience)
S - subject  (the topic/subject of the SA)
Tone - speaker’s attitude, belief or emotional perspective. Is the tone neutral, ironic, humorous, outraged, bitter, imploring, etc?

See if you can identify places in Blumberg's essay where she discusses each of these elements in Girl Culture

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